beige period home
CategoriesPeriod Homes

There’s something special about period homes that makes you take notice when you drive past one or see one on TV. Their timeless design reminds you of olden times and rustles up feelings of nostalgia or romanticism thanks to their striking aesthetics.

Are all older homes period homes?

The term ‘period home’, refers to homes that are inspired by historical eras in the past, which could be one hundred or even a few hundred years ago. These historical designs, especially from American and English years gone past, are mimicked by Australians across the country. Period homes are a joy to live in thanks to their beauty and intrigue, and when done in the right way by a professional team, they can be a place that you’ll never want to leave.

beige period home

Renovate or from scratch?

Period homes can either be built from scratch following the designs of a certain era, or they can be developed from historical buildings that have been kept in relatively good nick.

Due to an insane amount of detail and care that has to be taken to do correct period work on a home, it’s important that an expert handles the project from start to finish. Period features are difficult to replicate, so using the services of a designer-builder team ensures that a period home looks exactly the way you want according to the era that you prefer.

Period on the outside, modern on the inside

As our lives now rely on the technology and advancements in our homes, most period homes that you will come across will have modern living standards inside. After passing the beautiful period design on the outside through the front door, the inside could be a mixture of old and new, with luxuries to cater for the modern family.

When using a historical building to create a period home, you may want to keep the interior design just the way it is but have a professional spruce it up to match the renovated exterior.

Interested in having your own period home?

Period homes are such a joy to own, and with the right design and build team, your dreams can become a reality. Our team at Period Extensions & Designs are highly experienced in creating period homes for our customers, so take a look at some of our recent projects to get a feel for what we can accomplish. We are more than happy to have a chat to understand what you are looking for, so please feel free to get in touch with us on 03 9882 5255.

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