old dining area with modern design
CategoriesPeriod Home Renovation

Renovating period home architecture is one thing.  What about extending a period property?  Period home renovations cover the entirety of a property, while extensions look to modernise and add extra value.  You may already know why you’d like to extend a period home, but there are plenty of factors to consider before getting started.

Keeping the Charm While Modernising

One of the biggest struggles people face when taking on a period home extension is how to balance the old and the new.  In a lot of cases, some of the period charm has to make way for modern standards.  For example, for health and comfort reasons.  However, there are plenty of ways you can extend your property without losing any of the original aesthetics.

old dining area with modern design

An expert in period home extensions and renovations will be able to look at ways to replicate the original look of a building in your new addition so it’s always a good idea to seek the advice of a professional who knows a lot about classic looks and styles.  While it may seem disrespectful to remove or change classic architecture, it is sadly sometimes necessary.

Think About Purpose and Practicality

You should never enter into a period home extension project for the sake of it.  Think carefully about why you are building onto a period home.  Is it to increase value?  To increase interest in a sale?  Perhaps it’s for your own needs?

To that end, you should be thinking about rooms and extensions which are most appropriate for the look of your property.  A contemporary conservatory may not be the best fit for an early Victorian home, for example.  However, studies, garden rooms and extended kitchens can all be easily accommodated as part of a variety of period designs.

Consider Materials Carefully

One of the best ways to replicate the aesthetics of a period home is to opt for similar or identical materials that were used in its construction.  However, that isn’t always possible, which is why you should ask the advice of an expert in period renovations on what route to take.  There is nothing worse than setting up a home extension which clashes with the original look of a property.  Blending is crucial!

Don’t be Afraid of Glass

While certain modern fixtures may look out of place with some period looks, glass is massively flexible and versatile.  It’s a contemporary design standard, but it is one which is famous for its affordability and ease of application.  If you work with a design and building team, there is no reason why you won’t be able to incorporate and blend glass into an existing period home.

Be Careful

This is a point that’s so important.  Just because you own a period property doesn’t mean it’s not also important to the community at large.  Period homes and period home styles are essential pieces of our residential history.  You should always approach extension projects with sensitivity!

If you’d like to know more about period home architecture, call Period Extensions & Designs today on 03 9882 5255.

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