mother with kids in the living room
CategoriesHome Renovation

Renovating a home or property takes a lot of time and organisation.  It’s going to mean plenty of planning ahead!  Therefore, it also makes sense to know when it’s the best time to renovate.  Whether you are interested in renovating, extending or merely bringing a property up to code, there are a few factors you’re always going to need to bear in mind before getting started.

mother with kids in the living room

Your Personal Circumstances

Renovations will vary in terms of costs from job to job.  However, it is a good idea to ensure you are solvent enough to plan for such work before you dive right in.  It is common for people, even seasoned renovators, to under-budget for big projects; therefore, financial safety is a must.

You should also consider busy periods in your life.  If you have children and are looking after them during school holidays, you probably won’t have much time free to spare for a renovation project.

One of the best things you can do while planning for renovation is to budget time, not just money.  Think as far ahead as you can.  Consider all the tools and materials you may need, and who you wish to approach for help and support.  The best time for home renovation will be when you have plenty of your own time to give – as well as financial solvency.

Starting a Renovation

Home refurbishments and renovations can take time.  Thinking about starting a new property renovation soon?  Concerned about getting the timing right?  The team here at Period Extensions & Designs are always here to help you.  Call us directly on 03 9882 5255 to learn more about how we can start putting renovation plans into action for you.

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