modern-style light bulbs
CategoriesPeriod Home Renovation

10 Ways to Give Your Period Home a Modern Makeover

Living in a period home does not mean that you have to do without today’s modern trends and technologies. In this post we are going to take a look at 10 ways that you can give your period home a modern makeover while still keeping that romantic and nostalgic aesthetic that you love.

1. Open up your living spaces.

Older homes tend to have a lot more closed off rooms, with a separate kitchen, dining and living room. Bring your home into the modern ages by opening up your spaces and removing some walls if you are able to do so. Not only does this create a bigger feel to your living areas, but also can make the whole place feel lighter.

2. Choose modern paint colours.

It wasn’t until the last century that the colour palette expanded for the interior of a home, with various shades of white being the common choice beforehand. Applying fresh coats of paint in modern colours can do wonders for a home facelift and will certainly wow people as they walk through the front door.

3. Install steel-framed windows and doors.

Changing out the existing windows and doors for steel-framed versions adds an updated industrial look that will never go out of date.

4. Add new shelving.

If your wall shelves are looking a bit aged, replace them with new modern styles. Glass shelves are a good option.

5. Make use of the loft.

A lot of period homes have a loft that was originally used for storage, but after making more storage space in your other living areas, you can transform the loft into a usable space. Some ideas include making it a spare bedroom, an office, a gym area, or even a playroom for the kids. Create a staircase into your hallway so that it’s easily accessible.

6. Brighten up your staircases.

Speaking of staircases, these are a part of the home that you can use to add some colour or personality. Use either one statement colour or a combination of two, with a modern handrail to complete the look.

modern-style light bulbs

7. Update your lighting fixtures.

We’re lucky that in our home furnishing and hardware shops there are countless styles of lighting fixtures to choose from. Get rid of all your old ones and find some new steel or glass options that you can put right through the house for an instant modern lift.

8. Replace curtains with blinds.

While curtains work well in many homes, sometimes the drapes used over larger windows or bay windows can date a home’s look. Swap them out for blinds in a shade of silver or black instead.

9. Consider your decorations & furniture.

Often a home can instantly feel older by the type of furniture and decorations that are used. Even though you still may need to make some adjustments to certain parts of the home, updating all of your furniture and homewares in the living areas can completely transform your period home.

10. Add a modern layer to the exterior.

A period home can still be a period home even with a modern touch on the outside. Consider putting wooden facades over half of the existing brick for a two-toned exterior with a funky contrast.

Unsure where to start?

Using the services of a professional design and build team who dedicate their lives to period homes is the key to success for giving your home the modern makeover you desire. Check out some of the projects that Period Extensions & Designs have been involved in and give us a call on 03 9882 5255 to find out how we can help you with your period home renovation.

living room furniture
CategoriesPeriod Home Renovation

Period Home Renovation: How Much Does It Cost?

How long is a piece of string? Since every renovation project is different, it can be difficult to know exactly how much it is all going to cost before things get under way. What we can help you with though, is understanding what type of costs are involved and why having a budget is so important.

Your budget is the first step

Putting a budget together is not only crucial for understanding how much your renovation project is going to cost overall, but it also helps with keeping track of what payments need to be made and when.  If you find that mid-way through renovations you have actually spent less on one room than you had intended, you could use the extra money to splash out on some fancier features that you originally thought you couldn’t afford.

If you are getting a loan from the bank, it is possible that they will want to see your budget to ensure that you have a realistic plan for the money.

One golden rule to remember is that it’s always best to over budget rather than make things too tight, so you have some room to move if anything unexpected should happen.

What costs do I need to consider?

As a guide, these are the things that you will need to include in your budget:

Planning fees: This includes fees for inspection and surveying, planning permissions and regulations.

Accountant fees: If you are using an accountant to keep track of your books.

Insurance: For your home and contents – you should have insurance before renovations begin.

Utilities: Power, gas, water

Materials: Wood, concrete, paint, windows, tiles

Labour costs: Fees for your contractors and builders, as well as designers and architects.

Waste removal: To ensure that waste is disposed of according to council guidelines.

Furniture, fixtures and homewares: Installing appliances, lights and taps, furniture and decorations

living room furniture

What is the best way of getting an accurate budget?

Unless you have many years of experience renovating period homes and understand all the ins and outs of how to go about it, it can be difficult to create a true budget. The best way of getting an accurate budget is by working with a professional design and build team that know all the pieces of the puzzle, from council permits to material and labour costs.

Having a clearer idea of what the whole project is going to cost right from the start will save you a lot of stress and sleepless nights later on.

Looking for a professional design and build team?

Our expert team at Period Extensions have an amazing wealth of experience behind them and would be delighted to work with you on your next project to ensure that you have a budget in place before the first tool comes out. Feel free to look around our site to see just what we can do, and don’t hesitate to pick up the phone – we’re happy to have a chat.

man measuring floor tiles
CategoriesPeriod Home Renovation

Period Home Renovation: 5 Golden Rules to Follow

Starting your period home renovations? Don’t do anything until you read these five golden rules to follow so that your project is a success.

1. Don’t think you can do it all.

Even if you like to get stuck in with a bit of DIY, renovating a period home is not always a straightforward process. Usually there is a lot more that needs to be done than a regular renovation, and it would be such a shame to miss out on important details that an expert could have easily picked up. By speaking to a period home expert, you’ll be able to get a detailed plan of what needs to be done and ensure that the whole process is managed in the best way possible.

carpenter measuring flooring

2. It’s not a race to the finish line.

While it is perfectly understandable to want to get your home finished as soon as possible, you must remember that good things take time. It’s a good idea to spend lots of time in the property going over ideas and even talking with family, friends and period home experts about different ideas. You may find that you are keen on one idea this week, and completely change your mind the next.

3. Have a realistic plan.

Planning what needs to be done with suitable time frames is key to your renovation process. But don’t forget that speaking with a period home expert will ensure that your plan is realistic, and you haven’t set your sights too high. Once you have a plan in place, make sure that it’s executed in realistic time frame so that tasks are not rushed, and you’re not left regretting things later.

4. Research, research, research.

Knowing that you want to live in a beautiful period home is one thing, but understanding the right type of home is another. Take your time researching the different period styles and find the design that you fall in love with. Once you’ve made a decision, look into any special design features of the period to ensure that you are able to renovate your home correctly without over modernising.

5. Accept that perfection may mean imperfections.

When renovating or building a modern home, square angles, symmetry, smooth lines and finishes are always going to be of upmost importance. But the beauty of period homes is that you can let go of the fact that everything has to be absolutely perfect. It’s very rare that you’ll see a long-standing period home without any imperfections – after all when these homes were originally built, they didn’t have the same building standards, tools and materials that we do today. So, if right angles aren’t quite what they should be and you have little cracks or rough patches, embrace them and consider them extra character for your beautiful home.

Need a hand with your period home renovations?

Enlisting the help of a professional design and build team with many years’ experience with period homes is guaranteed to set you up for success. Find out more about what our period home experts have to offer and feel free to give us a call at any time – we’d love to work with you to renovate the home of your dreams.

old dining area with modern design
CategoriesPeriod Home Renovation

A Quick Guide to Extending a Period Home

Renovating period home architecture is one thing.  What about extending a period property?  Period home renovations cover the entirety of a property, while extensions look to modernise and add extra value.  You may already know why you’d like to extend a period home, but there are plenty of factors to consider before getting started.

Keeping the Charm While Modernising

One of the biggest struggles people face when taking on a period home extension is how to balance the old and the new.  In a lot of cases, some of the period charm has to make way for modern standards.  For example, for health and comfort reasons.  However, there are plenty of ways you can extend your property without losing any of the original aesthetics.

old dining area with modern design

An expert in period home extensions and renovations will be able to look at ways to replicate the original look of a building in your new addition so it’s always a good idea to seek the advice of a professional who knows a lot about classic looks and styles.  While it may seem disrespectful to remove or change classic architecture, it is sadly sometimes necessary.

Think About Purpose and Practicality

You should never enter into a period home extension project for the sake of it.  Think carefully about why you are building onto a period home.  Is it to increase value?  To increase interest in a sale?  Perhaps it’s for your own needs?

To that end, you should be thinking about rooms and extensions which are most appropriate for the look of your property.  A contemporary conservatory may not be the best fit for an early Victorian home, for example.  However, studies, garden rooms and extended kitchens can all be easily accommodated as part of a variety of period designs.

Consider Materials Carefully

One of the best ways to replicate the aesthetics of a period home is to opt for similar or identical materials that were used in its construction.  However, that isn’t always possible, which is why you should ask the advice of an expert in period renovations on what route to take.  There is nothing worse than setting up a home extension which clashes with the original look of a property.  Blending is crucial!

Don’t be Afraid of Glass

While certain modern fixtures may look out of place with some period looks, glass is massively flexible and versatile.  It’s a contemporary design standard, but it is one which is famous for its affordability and ease of application.  If you work with a design and building team, there is no reason why you won’t be able to incorporate and blend glass into an existing period home.

Be Careful

This is a point that’s so important.  Just because you own a period property doesn’t mean it’s not also important to the community at large.  Period homes and period home styles are essential pieces of our residential history.  You should always approach extension projects with sensitivity!

If you’d like to know more about period home architecture, call Period Extensions & Designs today on 03 9882 5255.

living room with natural light
CategoriesPeriod Home Renovation

Essential Design Tips for Your Period Home

Period home style will, naturally, differ from property to property.  However, there are some great ways you can retain the character of your home while modernising it for everyday life.  Here are ten brilliant period home design tips you can put into practice to get started.

Consider Your Lifestyle

One of the best design tips for period home renovation we can offer is don’t be afraid to renovate!  You may worry about having some of the charms of a period home removed to make it liveable.  However, needs must come first – and if an old piece or fitting doesn’t work for you, then scrap it.

Bring Out the Old

A great way to mould the old and new together is to show off the original walls and fittings.  This way, you can introduce modern furniture and items to work alongside.  Bring out the old, but also bring in the new.

Change up the Doors

Doors are likely to be fittings which age the least well from property to property.  This mainly goes for your front door.  For the sake of security as well as appearances, have a new front door installed if you can.

living room with natural light

Enhance Natural Light

Period home style may not be so keen to focus on windows and natural light, so we highly recommend changing this up.  Glass is a flexible material which can help to modernise period home architecture without bringing in too much of a clash.

Ask for Help

It is never a good idea to undertake the whole of a period home extension project on your own.  Period home experts will be able to oversee the design and the physical project for you as you go!

Don’t Assume Problem Areas are ‘Quaint’

You can quickly go too far the other way as far as updating a period home is concerned.  If you’re worried about losing the character in your property, please remember that some elements will need to be removed or renovated for health reasons.

Use Furnishings to Your Advantage

If you’re worried about making too permanent a mark on your property, you should think about modernising and brightening up your space with the right furnishings.  That means bright, colourful curtains, rugs, seating and more.  All can be temporary.

Think About Layers

One thing you may not have thought about when it comes to renovating a period home is cladding or adding layers.  Layers of stone, brick or wood will blend in with a whole host of period home styles, and what’s more, they’ll add value.

Be Careful with Eco Upgrading

While it makes sense to upgrade a period property to be energy efficient, some upgrades may harm your property.  Therefore, it makes sense to consult an expert who can help you make property enhancements which won’t damage the look or structure of a home long term.

Renovating period homes takes a lot of detail, but is extremely rewarding.  Call Period Extensions & Designs today to learn more about what’s involved.  Call 03 9882 5255 at your convenience.

CategoriesPeriod Home Renovation

The Secrets of Renovating a Period Home

Period home renovation isn’t something that can be easily defined.  Each project is going to be slightly different, and that’s even before you start thinking about the different period styles Australia loves so much.  We’ve produced some comprehensive guides on how to prepare for period home renovation, but what are some of the best secrets you can take advantage of before making decisions?  Let’s take a look.

Never Go It Alone

While it may be tempting to take on a fair amount of period renovation as DIY, it’s probably not advisable that you do.  Period home renovation can take more time and effort than you may imagine, at least to begin with.  Hiring an expert will not only help you realise some of the more intricate details of a period home but will also ensure you modernise without losing any of that essential charm and character.

Think About Goals

Yes, it’s tempting to let a period home extension project run on and on.  However, the key to a successful project lies in the deadlines that you set.  By keeping an end goal in mind, you will be able to measure for each step along the way.  This way, you can manage your project a little easier, and you can avoid getting too bogged down with ideas of perfection.

period home living room

Don’t Be Afraid to Modernise

There may be two types of period renovator – those who want to modernise completely, and those who want to keep everything looking as it is.  There’s nothing to say you can’t do a little bit of both!  You shouldn’t ever worry too much about getting rid of elements that don’t work for you.  Working with a renovation expert, you’ll be able to keep some of the more charming touches while modernising others that clash with your needs.

Balance Personality with Practicality

When it comes to period home style, you may be keen to focus more on style and less on function.  It’s not hard to understand why you might think that way!  However, tying in with our above point, consider that your property is meant to serve a practical purpose, too.  You’re going to need to look for a balance between aesthetics and function.

Think About Energy Efficiency

Something you are going to need to think about deeply is how efficient your project will be.  Period homes aren’t always going to be the best at saving you money on the energy front.  Therefore, you’re going to need to look at upgrades for health and cost reasons.  Again, a renovation expert will be able to make suggestions you can rely on.

Finding Your Ideal Look

Finding the right look for your period home renovation shouldn’t be too much about compromise on your part.  Working with an expert in the trade, you may be able to unlock aesthetics and themes you never knew appealed to you.

If you need help or advice on all things period homes, extensions and renovations, call our team today on 03 9882 5255.

CategoriesPeriod Home Renovation

Improving your Period Home with an Extension

Melbourne is full of lovely period homes in a variety of styles, from Victorian to Edwardian, Inter-War to Queen Anne. Looking at these heritage homes can allow you to envision yourself in the early days of the blossoming city. If you are lucky enough to live in a period home, you will want to take the necessary steps to restore the home so that it maintains its character and place in history.

Many period homes have a lot of memories, but not a lot of space. Extending your home can uncover its true potential and make it the perfect home for your lifestyle and the modern age.


Extending period homes requires an expert who understands how to manipulate the old foundations and still keep the original or unique character. It is a bit more of a challenge, but the end result is worth it. Like any home extension, there are many reasons why you might benefit from adding onto your current house, such as:


You have got a stunning home that is filled with character and classic beauty. However, if it’s too small for your growing family, you may need to consider an extension. The age of your home or its classic style shouldn’t deter you from getting what you want out of a house. Builders who are specialists dealing with old houses will be able to seamless renovate your home.


Extensions, while costly, will undoubtedly increase your home’s resale value, making it a very good investment. You are surely not the only homeowner in Melbourne to be charmed by a classic Edwardian finish or bold Victorian lattices. These houses, however, elegant and alluring, cannot always stand up to modern standards of living. Many homeowners fall for the classic facades of period houses, but the rest can all be changed to meet modern standards. Where you can’t renovate outwards, second storey extensions are bound to increase the value of your home.

By choosing a builder who has experience maintaining the character of a period home during renovations, you’ll get to keep the authenticity in home design. Add an appealing library or study that flows seamlessly with the Edwardian feel of the place, or perhaps a sunroom with a lounge to make it truly Victorian.


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