old dining area with modern design
CategoriesPeriod Home Renovation

A Quick Guide to Extending a Period Home

Renovating period home architecture is one thing.  What about extending a period property?  Period home renovations cover the entirety of a property, while extensions look to modernise and add extra value.  You may already know why you’d like to extend a period home, but there are plenty of factors to consider before getting started.

Keeping the Charm While Modernising

One of the biggest struggles people face when taking on a period home extension is how to balance the old and the new.  In a lot of cases, some of the period charm has to make way for modern standards.  For example, for health and comfort reasons.  However, there are plenty of ways you can extend your property without losing any of the original aesthetics.

old dining area with modern design

An expert in period home extensions and renovations will be able to look at ways to replicate the original look of a building in your new addition so it’s always a good idea to seek the advice of a professional who knows a lot about classic looks and styles.  While it may seem disrespectful to remove or change classic architecture, it is sadly sometimes necessary.

Think About Purpose and Practicality

You should never enter into a period home extension project for the sake of it.  Think carefully about why you are building onto a period home.  Is it to increase value?  To increase interest in a sale?  Perhaps it’s for your own needs?

To that end, you should be thinking about rooms and extensions which are most appropriate for the look of your property.  A contemporary conservatory may not be the best fit for an early Victorian home, for example.  However, studies, garden rooms and extended kitchens can all be easily accommodated as part of a variety of period designs.

Consider Materials Carefully

One of the best ways to replicate the aesthetics of a period home is to opt for similar or identical materials that were used in its construction.  However, that isn’t always possible, which is why you should ask the advice of an expert in period renovations on what route to take.  There is nothing worse than setting up a home extension which clashes with the original look of a property.  Blending is crucial!

Don’t be Afraid of Glass

While certain modern fixtures may look out of place with some period looks, glass is massively flexible and versatile.  It’s a contemporary design standard, but it is one which is famous for its affordability and ease of application.  If you work with a design and building team, there is no reason why you won’t be able to incorporate and blend glass into an existing period home.

Be Careful

This is a point that’s so important.  Just because you own a period property doesn’t mean it’s not also important to the community at large.  Period homes and period home styles are essential pieces of our residential history.  You should always approach extension projects with sensitivity!

If you’d like to know more about period home architecture, call Period Extensions & Designs today on 03 9882 5255.

living room with natural light
CategoriesPeriod Home Renovation

Essential Design Tips for Your Period Home

Period home style will, naturally, differ from property to property.  However, there are some great ways you can retain the character of your home while modernising it for everyday life.  Here are ten brilliant period home design tips you can put into practice to get started.

Consider Your Lifestyle

One of the best design tips for period home renovation we can offer is don’t be afraid to renovate!  You may worry about having some of the charms of a period home removed to make it liveable.  However, needs must come first – and if an old piece or fitting doesn’t work for you, then scrap it.

Bring Out the Old

A great way to mould the old and new together is to show off the original walls and fittings.  This way, you can introduce modern furniture and items to work alongside.  Bring out the old, but also bring in the new.

Change up the Doors

Doors are likely to be fittings which age the least well from property to property.  This mainly goes for your front door.  For the sake of security as well as appearances, have a new front door installed if you can.

living room with natural light

Enhance Natural Light

Period home style may not be so keen to focus on windows and natural light, so we highly recommend changing this up.  Glass is a flexible material which can help to modernise period home architecture without bringing in too much of a clash.

Ask for Help

It is never a good idea to undertake the whole of a period home extension project on your own.  Period home experts will be able to oversee the design and the physical project for you as you go!

Don’t Assume Problem Areas are ‘Quaint’

You can quickly go too far the other way as far as updating a period home is concerned.  If you’re worried about losing the character in your property, please remember that some elements will need to be removed or renovated for health reasons.

Use Furnishings to Your Advantage

If you’re worried about making too permanent a mark on your property, you should think about modernising and brightening up your space with the right furnishings.  That means bright, colourful curtains, rugs, seating and more.  All can be temporary.

Think About Layers

One thing you may not have thought about when it comes to renovating a period home is cladding or adding layers.  Layers of stone, brick or wood will blend in with a whole host of period home styles, and what’s more, they’ll add value.

Be Careful with Eco Upgrading

While it makes sense to upgrade a period property to be energy efficient, some upgrades may harm your property.  Therefore, it makes sense to consult an expert who can help you make property enhancements which won’t damage the look or structure of a home long term.

Renovating period homes takes a lot of detail, but is extremely rewarding.  Call Period Extensions & Designs today to learn more about what’s involved.  Call 03 9882 5255 at your convenience.

CategoriesPeriod Home Renovation

The Secrets of Renovating a Period Home

Period home renovation isn’t something that can be easily defined.  Each project is going to be slightly different, and that’s even before you start thinking about the different period styles Australia loves so much.  We’ve produced some comprehensive guides on how to prepare for period home renovation, but what are some of the best secrets you can take advantage of before making decisions?  Let’s take a look.

Never Go It Alone

While it may be tempting to take on a fair amount of period renovation as DIY, it’s probably not advisable that you do.  Period home renovation can take more time and effort than you may imagine, at least to begin with.  Hiring an expert will not only help you realise some of the more intricate details of a period home but will also ensure you modernise without losing any of that essential charm and character.

Think About Goals

Yes, it’s tempting to let a period home extension project run on and on.  However, the key to a successful project lies in the deadlines that you set.  By keeping an end goal in mind, you will be able to measure for each step along the way.  This way, you can manage your project a little easier, and you can avoid getting too bogged down with ideas of perfection.

period home living room

Don’t Be Afraid to Modernise

There may be two types of period renovator – those who want to modernise completely, and those who want to keep everything looking as it is.  There’s nothing to say you can’t do a little bit of both!  You shouldn’t ever worry too much about getting rid of elements that don’t work for you.  Working with a renovation expert, you’ll be able to keep some of the more charming touches while modernising others that clash with your needs.

Balance Personality with Practicality

When it comes to period home style, you may be keen to focus more on style and less on function.  It’s not hard to understand why you might think that way!  However, tying in with our above point, consider that your property is meant to serve a practical purpose, too.  You’re going to need to look for a balance between aesthetics and function.

Think About Energy Efficiency

Something you are going to need to think about deeply is how efficient your project will be.  Period homes aren’t always going to be the best at saving you money on the energy front.  Therefore, you’re going to need to look at upgrades for health and cost reasons.  Again, a renovation expert will be able to make suggestions you can rely on.

Finding Your Ideal Look

Finding the right look for your period home renovation shouldn’t be too much about compromise on your part.  Working with an expert in the trade, you may be able to unlock aesthetics and themes you never knew appealed to you.

If you need help or advice on all things period homes, extensions and renovations, call our team today on 03 9882 5255.

period home living room
CategoriesPeriod Homes

Period Homes: A Quick Guide to Style and Architecture

Many of the period homes that you’ll see around Australia are replicated after American and English historical homes. To a trained eye, it is obvious what era a particular period home is modelled after, but for most people, this is not easy to tell. When it comes to creating your own period home, narrowing down the exact look that you want to replicate can be tricky.

period home living room

In this post we are going to take a look at the different kinds of period homes styles and architecture of  different eras to give you some inspiration and help you identify each one more.

1930-1950 – Art Deco

Solid aesthetics and geometric designs made Art Deco homes famous in the 1930s to 1950s. They had strong lines, vibrant colours, and were perhaps the most popular style of housing in the US and Europe. Art Deco was a blend of modernism and fashion, with a non-traditional elegance and a streamlined look.

1920-1930 – Californian Bungalow

The post-war American homes were affordable and simple to build. Made from brick and stone, they had low-pitched roofs and offered a unique simplicity.

1900-1915 – Federation Edwardian

Homes built just before the First World War in Australia were a modern update on old Edwardian standards. They were built from red brick and used corrugated iron as a feature, and some homes looked similar to the cottages from the time of Queen Anne.

1895–1915 – Art Nouveau

Featuring asymmetrical lines in façade designs, homes from the Art Nouveau period embraced a range of fine and decorative art including ceramics, metal work, glass work and unique architecture.

1840-1895 – The Victorian Era

Gothic-like homes were the popular look during the first part of the Victorian Era, with iron being one of the most common building materials used. Homes had intricate facades and lancet windows and were symmetrical and steeply pointed.

Iron was also commonly used in the homes from the later part of the Victorian Era, but with a lot more emphasis on showy decoration. Lavish styles were the way to go in 1875-1895, as if the architects of the time suddenly found their creative bones and chose to do interesting mosaic patterns and brickwork.

Pre 1840 – The Georgian and Regency Eras

Homes that replicate the Georgian and Regency eras dating back to pre-1840 have a simple elegance. They are easily recognisable by their absolute symmetry, straightforward design and multi-paned windows at the front of the house.

What kind of period home are you interested in?

Creating a period home that replicates your preferred era is best done by a professional design and build team with the expertise, knowledge and skill to get it right. Our incredible team at Period Extensions & Designs will be delighted to speak with you to uncover the home you are dreaming about and how to make it a reality. Feel free to give us a call on 03 9882 5255 and we’ll organise a time to get together to share our ideas.

beige period home
CategoriesPeriod Homes

What is a Period Home?

There’s something special about period homes that makes you take notice when you drive past one or see one on TV. Their timeless design reminds you of olden times and rustles up feelings of nostalgia or romanticism thanks to their striking aesthetics.

Are all older homes period homes?

The term ‘period home’, refers to homes that are inspired by historical eras in the past, which could be one hundred or even a few hundred years ago. These historical designs, especially from American and English years gone past, are mimicked by Australians across the country. Period homes are a joy to live in thanks to their beauty and intrigue, and when done in the right way by a professional team, they can be a place that you’ll never want to leave.

beige period home

Renovate or from scratch?

Period homes can either be built from scratch following the designs of a certain era, or they can be developed from historical buildings that have been kept in relatively good nick.

Due to an insane amount of detail and care that has to be taken to do correct period work on a home, it’s important that an expert handles the project from start to finish. Period features are difficult to replicate, so using the services of a designer-builder team ensures that a period home looks exactly the way you want according to the era that you prefer.

Period on the outside, modern on the inside

As our lives now rely on the technology and advancements in our homes, most period homes that you will come across will have modern living standards inside. After passing the beautiful period design on the outside through the front door, the inside could be a mixture of old and new, with luxuries to cater for the modern family.

When using a historical building to create a period home, you may want to keep the interior design just the way it is but have a professional spruce it up to match the renovated exterior.

Interested in having your own period home?

Period homes are such a joy to own, and with the right design and build team, your dreams can become a reality. Our team at Period Extensions & Designs are highly experienced in creating period homes for our customers, so take a look at some of our recent projects to get a feel for what we can accomplish. We are more than happy to have a chat to understand what you are looking for, so please feel free to get in touch with us on 03 9882 5255.

mother with kids in the living room
CategoriesHome Renovation

Home Renovation: When is the Best Time?

Renovating a home or property takes a lot of time and organisation.  It’s going to mean plenty of planning ahead!  Therefore, it also makes sense to know when it’s the best time to renovate.  Whether you are interested in renovating, extending or merely bringing a property up to code, there are a few factors you’re always going to need to bear in mind before getting started.

mother with kids in the living room

Your Personal Circumstances

Renovations will vary in terms of costs from job to job.  However, it is a good idea to ensure you are solvent enough to plan for such work before you dive right in.  It is common for people, even seasoned renovators, to under-budget for big projects; therefore, financial safety is a must.

You should also consider busy periods in your life.  If you have children and are looking after them during school holidays, you probably won’t have much time free to spare for a renovation project.

One of the best things you can do while planning for renovation is to budget time, not just money.  Think as far ahead as you can.  Consider all the tools and materials you may need, and who you wish to approach for help and support.  The best time for home renovation will be when you have plenty of your own time to give – as well as financial solvency.

Starting a Renovation

Home refurbishments and renovations can take time.  Thinking about starting a new property renovation soon?  Concerned about getting the timing right?  The team here at Period Extensions & Designs are always here to help you.  Call us directly on 03 9882 5255 to learn more about how we can start putting renovation plans into action for you.

interior renovation
CategoriesHome Renovation

Smart Budgeting Tips for Your Home Renovation

So, you’re about to embark on an exciting journey of refurbishing your home and giving it a fresh new look to fit your current needs and lifestyle.  Not to burst your bubble, but renovating a home is not as simple as ABC.

Probably the most important thing to consider first is your budget. Here are some smart tips to help you develop a home renovation budget that you can afford and stick to without overspending.

Tip #1: Set your parameters.

Determine the scope of your home renovation project by deciding which areas of your home will be included and what your desired outcomes are.  Apply the “MOSCOW” technique to set your priorities by making a list of your “must haves”, “should haves”, “could haves” and “would haves.” By clearly setting your parameters early on, you will be able to plan for a more realistic budget and have a benchmark for when you need to choose between what to keep and what to let go.

interior renovation

Tip #2: Seek advice from the experts.

It pays to get some help from industry experts to guide you through the process. Get someone to design a plan for your home makeover. Seek advice from architects, designers, builders, and quantity surveyors on renovating costs and the best approach to getting the best value for your money. Your plan will answer some of the key questions such as what work will be involved, in what order they are to be done, and what it entails in terms of materials, labour, and time frame.

Tip #3: Develop detailed cost estimates.

Now that you know what you want, it’s time to develop a detailed budget plan. This is where your Excel skills will come in handy. Create a spreadsheet of all elements of your home renovation project and their estimated costs. Start with the big-ticket items such as permits and fees, insurance, warranties, valuation fees, utilities, labour costs, and others. Then move on to the cost of materials, fixtures, fittings, finishes, and furniture. Make sure not to miss the small items that could add up to your costs.

Tip #4: Add a buffer for unforeseen costs.

Once you have decided on a contractor, share your plans with them to check for anything that you may have missed. You can then adjust your budget using cost estimates your contractor has provided. Add a 10 to 20% buffer as contingency for any unforeseen costs or changes in the renovation process.  Keep track of how you are doing against your set budget by adding columns for actual costs and variances in your spreadsheet.

Now that you’re armed with these smart budgeting tips, you can start planning and get cracking!

tiny wood house on top of calculator
CategoriesHome Renovation

7 Expert Rules of Renovating Your Home

When doing a home renovation, everyone you talk to will have their own opinion about how to do things in the right way. We’ve put together our list of 7 expert rules of renovating a house that will help keep the renovation process smooth and efficient.

1. Plan for all costs.

Putting together a budget means that you will be prepared for any and all expenses that might come up during your renovation. You’ll need to consider valuation fees, council taxes, legal costs, reconnection costs, building regulation fees, insurance, internal and external repairs, general building costs, interior design and decorating costs, warranties and all preliminary costs.

2. Be realistic with your budget.

While many of us want the look and feel of a multi-million-dollar home, most of us simply can’t afford it. You may need to cut back on some of your ‘wants’, or make compromises on design ideas so that you can stay within your budget. It is best to be upfront with the designer regarding your budget so that the designer can design for you according to your budget.

tiny wood house on top of calculator

3. Stick to a schedule.

Planning a home renovation, what needs to be done, and by when will help you along the way. Working as a team with the builder ensures a smooth build.

4. Allow some room for delays.

Even though sticking to a schedule is key, you should always allow some buffer time in case one part of the renovation takes longer than expected. Delays can be caused by weather, late deliveries or an emergency, so have a contingency plan in place.

5. Don’t make rash decisions.

Your renovation is your renovation. If you are not sure about an idea that has been presented to you, don’t feel pressured to say yes if you are not happy with it.

6. Make notes of all of your ideas.

Working with our design team, we will want to hear all of your ideas for your dream home. Our designers are experts at taking ideas and turning them into workable plans.

7. Don’t micro manage your design and build team.

It can be difficult not to micro manage a renovation project but put your trust in the professionals, and know that they will get everything done correctly. Have regular update meetings but otherwise feel free to let them do what they do best.

Need a hand with your home renovation?

The design and build team at Period Extensions & Designs will be delighted to work with you on your next renovation project. Give us a call on 03 9882 5255 to find out more about how we can help.


HIA CSR Victorian Housing Awards Finalist!

[vc_row content_placement=”middle”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Period Extensions & Designs, has been named as a finalist in the HIA CSR Victorian Housing Awards!

We are finalists for the following two projects:[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_single_image image=”3218″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” link=”https://www.periodextensions.com.au/project/camberwell-home-extension-renovation”][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_single_image image=”3219″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” link=”https://www.periodextensions.com.au/project/richmond-home-renovation”][vc_column_text]Winners will be announced on November 9th at the 2018 HIA CSR Victorian Housing and Kitchen & Bathroom Awards at The Palladium Ballroom in the Crown Towers in Melbourne.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

CategoriesHome Renovation

Five Ways to Change Your Open Plan Living

[vc_row content_placement=”middle”][vc_column][vc_column_text]At the heart of open plan living is one simple word. Connection.

Once upon a time, living rooms such as the kitchen or lounge room were built for a specific function. There was even a door to close us away from the rest of the house. Living within four walls was simply the way it was.

But over the years, as lifestyles have changed, so has our need for stronger connection with our family, friends and the digital world.

As we try to pack more into every day, every moment matters – whether it is preparing meals while helping with homework, cooking while supervising the kids at play, catching up on the news while packing the dishwasher, or preparing a dinner party with friends. Open plan living gives us greater comfort, convenience and connection.

Want to make the most of your open plan living renovation? Try these five tips for your period home.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes” content_placement=”middle” desctop_pt=”padding-lg-40t”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]


Removing walls to open up your living space is easier than you think. Surrounding walls can be adjusted in any home to achieve open plan livingdining and kitchen space – including period homes! You’ll just need to make time for some careful planning for your living room renovation.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”3209″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes” content_placement=”middle” desctop_pt=”padding-lg-40t”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]


At the heart of your living space is the kitchen – and the most popular and effective design is a large central island bench. It’s the perfect gathering spot for the family for breakfast and allows ample room for meal preparation, so you can encourage the family to get involved too. It’s the most ‘social’ choice for your kitchen renovation as well – there’s no need to be stuck in the kitchen away from all the fun when you are entertaining. Be careful of clutter, though. All that space can also become a magnet for the rest of the family’s belongings.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”3210″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes” content_placement=”middle” desctop_pt=”padding-lg-40t”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]


Getting the flow from area to area, room-to-room is absolutely vital to any open plan design. Traffic flow is especially critical, ensuring everyone can move freely throughout your space. When planning on extendingyour period home, make sure you take the time to investigate how your space should be designed for a natural flow between the livingdiningkitchen and outdoor areas.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”3211″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes” content_placement=”middle” desctop_pt=”padding-lg-40t”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]


No matter what size of home you have, thoughtful design can create the right shape of living space. In our experience when building a house extension, a long, rectangular space works best, enabling a great length to width ratio and it’s also ideal for all size and shape of furniture. This shape can also direct all activity to the great outdoors.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”3212″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes” content_placement=”middle” desctop_pt=”padding-lg-40t”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]


Two of the most important elements of a successful open plan space are windows and ceiling height. It’s all about building ambience in your period homeNatural light adds a sense of welcome and warmth to a room but it’s also about functionality – you’ll love being able to complete tasks during the day without having to switch on a light. The right ceiling height, combined with clever design during your living room renovation, provides the illusion of a much larger room – and a soaring ceiling can also provide a wonderful feeling of grandeur

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”3213″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][vc_column][vc_column_text]Our top tip gained from many years working with clients is to talk to an experienced building designer that can add their expertise to your great ideas, creating a space that that flows perfectly. When it comes to your period home renovations, it’s all about the flow!

Why not talk to Period Extensions about how to transform your home? Our professional design team would love to help. Contact us today to discuss your period home – call 03 9882 5255 or email admin@periodextensions.com.au[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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